Grayson Collin Communications reserves the right to request a current LOA at any time. It is the Requesting Provider’s responsibility to have this on file.
** When Board approved, we usually work until 11am on Christmas Eve although it is not technically considered a “Work Holiday”.
You must list ALL TNs for which you are requesting CSR validation.
Grayson Collin Communications CSR Request’ must be in the subject field of the email.
Click here to download the CSR Request Form
LSR’s with 20 or more TN’s must have the TN’s listed on a separate excel spreadsheet with no spaces or dashes in the numbers.You must put ‘see attached’ on the number portability page and must list all the TN’s you are porting on the spreadsheet individually.No ranges are accepted.Grayson Collin Communications standard interval is 5 business days for port outs with less than 50 TNs.All FOC’s are valid for 2 business days after the FOC date provided on the response.You must receive a FOC response from Grayson Collin Communications before you build a subscription to take a number in SOA/NPAC.
If you build a subscription before receiving an FOC we will put the TN ‘in conflict’, which must be removed by Grayson Collin Communications before you are able to activate.
The End User name and the PON must be listed in the subject field on the email
Please use this LSR template for Non Simple Port port-out order requests. Grayson Collin Communications only requires the fields highlighted in yellow to be filled out on the form.
Grayson Collin Communications will make every effort to respond to an LSR with a FOC or Reject notice within 1 business day (Please note the date the LSR is received is considered day zero).
Order status request must be outside of the 3 day SLA response time for a response to be given. Call for status: 888-767-8805.